Email Alerts During the Pandemic

Until the Board can safely convene an open meeting, we will use email alerts to:

  • Keep you informed of any action the Board takes to preserve the safety, security, or general welfare of our LVRE community.

  • Solicit your input as necessary before conveying a "Resolution Without a Meeting".

  • Communicate any other issue that might affect our LVRE community.  

Given the expanding reach of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is likely one or more of us will need to self-quarantine.  If for this or any other reason you need help (e.g., picking up supplies or food), please do not hesitate to contact HOAMCO to relay a message to the Board.   Let's get through this safely; we will figure the rest out on the other end.

Note: You should have received the first Email Alert the week of April 6th. If you did not, please contact HOAMCO. We may not have your correct email address.